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Chaos [key-os] : noun - a state of utter confusion or disorder; a total lack of organization or order.


One never knows when life’s gonna let one down, but the strength of a man lies in the times he can wake up, no matter how many times he falls. There’s always light at the end of every tunnel, that´s my belief.


DADDY, I have no words. I miss you with my heart and soul. I know you guide me and take care of me when the going gets rough. You live in my heart. Rest in peace, ‘gordito’.


MOM, thank you for loving me no matter what and for being a true pillar. You´ve always been there for me and I will never be grateful enough. Thank you for your constant love and support.


FAMILY & FRIENDS & FANS, thank you for putting up with my ups and downs and for hugging me constantly.

You have stuck with me when I needed it the most and I will never forget that. I love each and every one of you.


JAKE, this would have never been possible without you. You are the recordmaka but, what´s more important,

you´re a living legend, a great human being and an extension of myself. I love you.


PINTXO, trabajé en este proyecto por y para ti. Me diste la fuerza y las ganas de volver a cantar, para demostrarte en cada tema algo que jamás había sentido y que estuvieses orgulloso de mí. Ahora sigo solo y me quedo con lo bueno. Vivimos en la misma calle…


Much love,



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